The mobile OS platform is emerging in the same way as the desktop OS emergence in 1990’s, but in 1.5X or 2X speed of the desktop OS evolution. Looking at this growth, beckons one to draw nice analogy in the evolution path of mobile OS with that of desktop OS development.
If we see the late 90’s, Windows emerged as the favorite OS platform for non-Mac users. The contemporaries at that time are UNIX, Sun Solaris etc. but they couldn’t able to chain the legs of Windows.
In the current mobile OS market, Google’s Android seems well on its path of taking the position what Windows has attained. Most handset makers on the planet have started to make designs that are proficient to speak the language of Android. The number of these scholars seems to be increasing exponentially. The applications and its developers for Android OS are also increasing to a myriad.
As interesting thing to note is, the ever premium Apple products (both Mac and iPhone) runs on home grown Apple OS. Going forward, the Apple OS for their phones would retain their market share as did the Mac OS.
The trouble is in Nokia’s house as it is facing what is called slow death. Ho!! Too hot word!! It may not die but surly going to lose its majority of market share. The act of marring Windows Mobile OS platform for their handsets can delay the inevitable. It has clearly laid the path for the grave of Symbian OS. Leave the OS, what about the handsets? Currently held by more number of hands than any other phones made so far.
Nokia believes that they can win back their lost market share (majority to Android phones in the touch phone category and to new entrants in the lower category) by marring Windows OS. Their thoughts are in the same lines as a man on the fire.
Like Dell and HP, Nokia should convert their handsets compatible with any mobile OS i.e they should make handsets with any of the three OS – Android, Windows and Symbian. They can price it accordingly. They should rather concentrate on the hardware, designs and various models that can be priced across price bands. This would help them gain the market share in the handset indeed it would put them formidable in number Uno postion.
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